Our projects Our projects LINNEO – pLatform for INnovation in Natural science onlinE educatiOn LINNEO project aims to innovate Natural Sciences (NS) education by creating a web-based platform nurtured with high quality and engaging Digital Educational Resources (DER) for primary education, based on by Natural Sciences Edutainment Institutions (NSEIs) experience? To this end, the project […]

Our projects Our projects PLATO – Practice Training PLATfOrm PLATO is an integrated platform designed and developed by SI4LIFE for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) to facilitate online training, e-learning and discussion through a virtual community of practice (VCP). PLATO focuses on allowing decision-, opinion- and policymakers (DOPs) at the […]

Our projects Our projects SDIN – Silver Digital Innovation Centre The project aims to respond to a new demand from people over 65 towards innovative products and services, both public and private, that can rely on technological and digital opportunities. The main purpose of the project is to establish a Silver Digital Innovation Centre (SDIN) […]

Our projects Our projects TEAMCARE – an inTerprofessional EuropeAn curriculuM for health and social Care staff: developing a speciAlist in personalized useR-centered carE in the community TEAMCARE project aims to enhance the responsiveness of Social and Health Care systems (SHC) to current societal challenges targeting a specific existing mismatch between the skills currently characterizing SHC […]

Our projects Our projects DigiPath – Digital Education Readiness for VET Teachers through Tool Assisted Learning Pathways DigiPath responds directly to the challenges facing the VET sector and its teachers in relation to the increasing digitization. Its main goal is to advance the digital readiness of teachers through a training course that incorporates blended learning […]

Our projects Our projects NECTAR – aN Eu Curriculum for Chef gasTro-engineering in primAry food caRe The NECTAR project addresses the mismatch that has been identified between the skills currently offered by cooks and chefs working in hospitals, residential care, and home care and those that are required by health care institutions, private service providers, […]

Our projects Our projects IN-Tour – INclusive TOURism professions. European curricula for accessible tourism manager and frontline staff Accessible tourism enables everyone to fully enjoy tourism-related experiences. The need to make tourism more accessible is not only a social responsibility: improving accessibility is also a good business case, as it can increase the competitiveness of […]

Our projects Our projects oMERO – an eu curriculuM for visual disabilitiEs RehabilitatOrs The oMERO project aims to overcome the skills gap and formalize a new curriculum that addresses a new specialized figure, Visual Disability Rehabilitators (VDRs), who provide physical, mental, and sensory rehabilitation services, in a new transdisciplinary, user-centered, ICT-based approach. Being anchored to […]